The 2024 school year served roughly 106 students in Tennessee in approximately 600 private schools. That equates to about 10 percent of all K-12 students in the state being educated in the private school setting.

Each year, parents in the Middle Tennessee school district choose private school options for their children for numerous reasons. One of these is that parents have children who are currently struggling in the public school system. The private setting offers certain benefits that the public system lacks.

Why should Middle Tennessee parents consider the private school setting? Let’s learn the advantages.

Advantages Of the Private School Setting

Parents have many options for sending their children to school in Middle Tennessee, including public or private schools. For parents looking for a specific learning experience with smaller class sizes and faith-based teaching practices, the private school setting could be the right fit for their child.

Each school has varied admissions guidelines and policies, making it necessary to research individual websites for specific details. Here are advantages you can envision when choosing a private school in the Middle Tennessee district.

Small class sizes

In the public school system, it’s not unusual for a teacher to be assigned to roughly 30 students in their classroom. When teachers must divide their time among that many children, offering individual attention in a single class period is virtually impossible.

In a private setting, classes are much smaller, allowing kids to get personalized attention. Some teachers model a one-on-one experience for optimal educational focus. Kids don’t get lost in a sea of other faces, as is true in oversized classes. Teachers in private schools get to know each student.

The classroom is intimate, encouraging everyone to get to know each other for a more community-like feel. Kids feel comfortable asking questions or speaking in class without fear of judgment. Visit to discern between private and public schools for informed decision-making.

Dedicated educators

Private educators are usually highly dedicated and exceptionally qualified. With advanced degrees and smaller class sizes, private school teachers focus these skill sets on pulling students’ strengths and improving areas where they need additional help.

Parents who choose private schools do so primarily to have dedicated instructors giving their children the best education. The educational system supports all learning styles, kids have access to the appropriate curriculum, and the instructors are devoted to helping kids succeed.


Based on heightened security and a reduced student-instructor ratio, private schools boast twice as much safety as the public school system. Parents prioritize safety when it comes to choosing a school setting for their child, particularly given the rise in criminal behavior in schools, including cyberbullying.

When more adults are present than the student body, it’s easier for the kids to be monitored. Adults are on alert and ready to handle suspicious incidents faster, offering the safe environment parents hope for with their children.

Parental involvement

Some private institutions require parents to actively participate in their kids’ education. The relationships the school encourages between family and school give parents the chance to experience the full educational opportunities kids’ are exposed to.

Parents and instructors communicate frequently, and family events are scheduled often. Many volunteer opportunities are also available to bring parents into the school environment.

In that vein, the schools focus on creating a community environment, which adds to a safer atmosphere for the children and allows greater comfortability and passion for their education. Parents network not only with the staff but also with other parents to encourage a greater community feeling.

More kids will take part in activities in the private setting when they’re familiar with the other children and since there’s less competition to participate. These offer greater opportunities for kids to come together and bond with their peers.


Paying tuition is required to attend a private school with some endowments, possibly other resources to make a more positive student experience. These opportunities include the latest technology, current learning tools, educators with in-depth specialty expertise. 

These ample resources are merely one part of a private education. A strong, supportive community, focused attention from staff and parents, and a united value system add to a quality education. 

These are factors to consider when researching the setting that best suits your child’s school career needs. Visit here for reasons to consider private school.

High graduation rates

When looking at graduation rates on a national level for private schools, the statistics show “just under 100 percent.” In contrast, the public school rate falls to “80 percent nationally.” 

In the private setting, students wish to succeed, and they are surrounded by other students with those same aspirations. In that vein, many students graduating from these high schools go on to be successful in their chosen fields.

The kids remain loyal to their mentors, staff, and peers, the network they build in the school community. This group of people will follow the students throughout their lives. 

When the individual needs a fresh perspective or to gain insight into a particular idea, they can reach out to those who guided them from the beginning. 

Many of the parents and kids attracted to private school have comparable interests, aspirations, and talents. Often, kids start their school year with achievements they hope to accomplish within that academic session. 

Investing in the right educational experience enables a family to prioritize a personalized education for the greatest chance at success.

Final Thought

A private education offers an atmosphere where kids can develop emotionally, intellectually, and socially. Most parents appreciate the smaller class sizes, which allow for a more student-focused learning experience, a connected community atmosphere with greater parental involvement, and the security and safety of the system.

The quality, credentialed educators and current, state-of-the-art tools available to the students ensure academic success. Moving forward, the relationships children develop will transition with them into adulthood to provide lifelong connections, mentors, and peers they can reach out to for guidance in career and life situations.