Stepping Stones High School is an English medium school in Aurangabad. They offer education from Class I to 12th STD. It is one of the best schools in Aurangabad. Being the best CBSE school, they provide higher education quality for students from primary to secondary level and also for higher secondary level.
The school has excellent infrastructure and facilities along with dedicated, hard-working, experienced and skilled teachers that's why it is the top school in Marathwada. There is ample opportunity for all students to achieve academic excellence at this school through regular studies and extracurricular activities, and each child is encouraged to reach his/her full potential.
Fun Lab:
Learning should be fun. Students learn in this environment by doing activities, which enhance their cognitive skills and sharpen their brains.
Art Room:
This is the room where youngsters display their talent to others. The combination of colour and design stimulates the intellect of the kids. It is important to hold regular art exhibitions to cherish and develop the talent of the students.
Robotic Lab:
The robotics lab provides students with an excellent outlet since robotics is a growing area of technology.
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