The government of Madhya Pradesh created the LNCT University, Bhopal, in 2014. The University Grants Commission (UGC), the Indian Council for Agricultural Research, the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), the Bar Council of India (BCI), and the Medical Council of India all recognize the university (MCI). The 90-acre LNCTU Bhopal campus offers its students and faculty a variety of academic and support services, including a library, classrooms, sports facilities, dormitories, a central library, an auditorium, a medical center, departmental libraries, a canteen, transportation, laboratories, and more.
The pedagogy and facilities at each of their colleges are of the highest caliber, and they are regularly examined and updated to take into account the newest advancements in higher education. These include instructional facilities including laboratories, libraries for health sciences, computing facilities, playgrounds, and several other centers of excellence at LNCT University. Students will receive a variety of national and international exposures and knowledge through academic collaboration and twinning programs with numerous Indian universities. The main advantages offered by LNCT University include strategic industry partnerships for industry experience through live projects.
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