PENTAMEDIA GRAPHICS LIMITED comes to you with the smashing success of creation; nurturing ideas right from their conception to the glorious finale, pulling out all stops to ensure a quality of production that is world class. Pentamedia, pioneers in animation technology in India is amongst the leading companies in the world to have produced 7 Live action and 7 Animation movies (including Oscar Nominations) 5000 hours of special effects and 2000 hours of Television contents.
Pentamedia is the right place to focus on creativity which helps to develop and cherish your talents. You are monitored and trained under the guidance of more than 20 years experienced founder and expert.
VFX/Special Effects
Web designing
Pentamedia your right place to get enhance and experience on software application development. You are monitored and trained under the guidance of more than 15 years experienced founder and developers.
Artificial Intelligence
Mobile Apps Development
Web Development
Cloud Computing
Java/J2EE , C , C++
Institute Features
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