Chinmaya international residential school is a private owned CBSE international school which is located in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. This school was started on June 1th 1996 with 96 students from grade 4th to 8th, now It is one of the leading CBSE schools in India with more than 577 students, 69 experienced faculties, presence in 23 states in India and presence in 19 other countries worldwide.
Chinmaya International Res School is following CBSE syllabus and it has won international school award 2015-2018 from British council.
School Fees and Charges for 2018-2020
Registration Fee: INR 5000
Admission Fee: INR 1,00,000
Annual Fees:
Classes V – VIII
India: INR 3,80,000 NRI: INR 4,86,000
Classes IX & X
Indian: INR 4,00,000 NRI: INR 5,06,000
Classes XI & XII (CBSE)
Indian: INR 4,30,000 NRI: INR 5,36,000
Indian: INR 7,05,000 NRI: INR 8,36,000
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