Best PGDM colleges in Odisha

PGDM college
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Krupajal provide a wide range of professional education and develop graduates who can meet the difficulties of this rapidly changing world.  It was established as a missionary institution in 199

Krupajal, Bhubaneswar - Bhubaneswar, OR
PGDM college
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The first business institution is the Regional College of Management which was founded in Bhubaneswar in 1982. Their knowledgeable faculty members sincerely invest in the students' growth and demonst

Regional College Of Management, Bhubaneswar - Bhubaneswar, OR
PGDM college
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 Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, is recognised on a global scale as a top-tier business school that offers top-notch management programmes and produces managers with strong ethics a

Xavier Institute Of Management, Bhubaneswar - Bhubaneswar, OR

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