Best Other Courses coaching centres in Coimbatore, TN

Study Abroad coaching centre
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Marquerz Academy has been connecting with students for 4+ years who want to pursue their dream of studying abroad. In this limited ability to focus time, we had the option of direc

MARQUERZ ACADEMY, Coimbatore - Coimbatore, TN
Marine, Shipping, Logistics institute
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PARK Maritime Academy is committed to provide the finest quality in education, thus being the preferred destination for maritime studies. Courses Offered: B.TECH MARINE ENGINEERI

PARK Maritime Academy, Coimbatore - Coimbatore, TN
Marine, Shipping, Logistics institute
The first Marine Institution in Coimbatore was founded in 2001 in the name of "Coimbatore Marine Center". In 2003, the name was changed to 'Coimbatore Marine College' and approved

Coimbatore Marine College, Coimbatore - Coimbatore, TN

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